Thursday, April 21, 2016


Sooo, its been a long time.  Since Good Friday,  actually.  Believe it or not, there's half an Easter post written that was never finished (and it will be, so when it posts, just roll with it; the message will still be good,  I promise! By the way, when this is published, it will be my 26th sorority anniversary, so feel free to send me some love)!

So what have I been up to? Well, to be perfectly honest and transparent as ever, I haven't been totally ok.  Physically,  I've been fine and my days have progressed without any real incident. But, I've been under a huge amount of stress, work, dealing with disappointment buckling under the weight of ideas and things I want to do, class, ministry, meetings, decluttering, kids - in other words, life.  Because yes, Life Happens!  In the midst of it all, I decided to take some "mental health breaks" and just slow down a bit.  Part of that slowing down was to step away from the computer (I really don't like typing long things on my phone...) and I have been reading, crafting, sleeping, reconnecting with old friends, I went to the movies alone (to a late show on a weekday- won't do THAT again!), picked back up my outdoor walking since the weather has been decent, sent some handwritten notes on good stationery to people, went to see a couple of exhibits at the Cultural Center, registered for some 5k races, and just gave myself permission to "veg out" just a little bit.  And you know what?  I needed it.  Seriously.  There is no price that can be put on taking a little time out for some self-care.  It is something that most women don't do enough of, because we are being pulled in so many different directions by all of the different hats that we wear in a single day... But it is very necessary!  So I challenge each of you to just say no sometimes and read a book you enjoy, not just for a class; take a walk outside at your local park or just even in your neighborhood; watch television (still working on finding some time for that one) - just do something for yourself!  Everyone needs time to recharge their batteries.  So take it.

I even bought this cute little t-shirt from Old Navy after a fellow online crafter sounded the alarm in our Facebook group:

Isn't it adorbs????  And it ties in with our topic of today, since you can't take a good picture unless you:  FOCUS

Now the flip side of that is that other things just don't happen.  Like my laundry.  And man, do I ever need to do laundry!  But it's not fun and the thought of having to do it actually raises my blood pressure, so I'll probably just go buy some more underwear and keep it moving until I'm in a better frame of mind about it (don't laugh, it's what I used to do in college because I hate doing laundry just that much!).  

But seriously, I have been trying to rid my mind of clutter so I can get focused.  I've been feeling a tug to do some things, a strong tug, and then I've also felt very strong resistance to stop me from doing those things at the same time.  Spiritual warfare y'all!  Oh that reminds me, if you want to get a real feel for how spiritual warfare plays out in the natural, I have an excellent novel for you to read.  I first read it about 12 years ago and it was brought back to my remembrance so I repurchased it and reread it again last month.  It is suspenseful and full of mystery and adventure, but mostly it is full of spiritual warfare and illustrates the powerful effect that prayer has on the angels dispatched on our behalf.  It also provides a very real look at the different demons who are also dispatched to try and thwart the plans for our lives.  In short, it was an awesome, awesome book!  The title is, "Piercing the Darkness," and the author is Frank Peretti.  It is actually the second book in a series (I didn't read the first one), but you don't have to read the first one to enjoy this one.  It will make you laugh, cry, pray and praise!!!  Here's what the cover looks like:

Back to what I was saying - I can actually feel the spiritual warfare going on around me at this time, in this season.  I don't know what the Master Plan is of course, but there is apparently something I'm supposed to do and I'm just trying to be and stay obedient, even when I don't understand it all.  At the same time, just as strongly I can feel the negative pull and energy trying to distract and keep me unfocused so that I can't do anything.  The devil IS a liar!  If you knew how many times I tried to get up and to the computer to work on something (this blog included) and just ended up falling asleep or even crying (when I was perfectly fine the rest of the day), go figure.  So in the midst of all that, I have been in fervent prayer to keep my mind clear and focused on the various tasks I need to do.  Sidenote, I found this little blog post on being focused, you can check it out here.  Back to what I was saying:  I need your prayers... I am on the edge of something, I can feel it!  I need your prayers that I stay focused on each and every task that is placed before me, no matter how big or how small.  I just ran across this quote on Pinterest, maybe it will help someone else too: 

 "When you're hitting a wall, focus on one brick." Tyler May

And for our edification this week, here are some scriptures to help us in this focusing process (all ESV translation):  

Proverbs 4:25 - Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you.

Matthew 6:33 - But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

Proverbs 16:3 - Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.

Ecclesiastes 9:10 - Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might, for there is no work or thought or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol, to which you are going.

Isaiah 41:10 - Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Hebrews 10:23 - Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.

Romans 1:12 - That is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith, both yours and mine.

Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

As I was searching for scriptures to include, one of my friends was laid on my heart and I will speak her name here:  Val. Val, stay focused and don't waver, God's got this!!!  

And well, since I don't need an excuse for a good song, here goes one, "He's a Keepa," by Rodney Bryant (I finally figured out how to do this - I RHOCK!!!):

Stay encouraged everyone and send me some words of encouragement that I may stay focused!  Holla @ Darvi and let me know you're out there!!! Be Blessed, Framily!!!  xoxoxo


  1. I swear you are eavesdropping on me!!!! And Frank Peretti is the business! I have a well worn copy of This Present Darkness (the first one) and have also read Piercing the Darkness repeatedly. I am a Pentacostal preacher's kid and that book FASCINATED me and scares me a bit. But a little healthy fear never hurt anyone (SMILE). But it really does a good job of illustrating the true battle that is going behind the scenes. Keep pushing towards your higher have my support (in any way I can give it and you can/are able to accept it). XOXOXO

    1. Thank you so much for reading! And yes, that Frank Peretti book fascinated and scared me too!!! Made me pray just a little bit harder, lol!!!


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