Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Perfect Peace???

Happy Tuesday, Blogland!  Yes, Tuesday, because I couldn’t get myself together enough on Monday to write.  So it is Christmas Week and try as I might to stay calm, I can feel the pressure mounting… And I’m taking a stress test in the morning, so I’m sure that will be an experience!

This year will present a lot of new things for me and the kids:  new place, new traditions (while keeping some of the old ones), new faces (and the absence of old ones) – just a spirit of newness!  I am looking forward to it, and I’m trying my best to assure the kids that everything will be fine, even with all of the change we’ve experienced this year.  Almost my whole family will be over for our annual Christmas Eve social, and I am looking forward to it.  Then afterwards, I have a busy Christmas weekend ahead of me, making new Christmas traditions, which I am also very much looking forward to.  But at the same time… it’s a lot of work to prepare for it all and I am (slightly) behind schedule in my quest for the “perfect” holiday.  Sound familiar to anyone or is it just me????  Now of course I know that there’s no such thing as a “perfect” holiday, but still I try.  There is something about this time of year that just tends to bring out the best in most people and I love to spread joy and cheer!

Speaking of spreading joy and cheer, I spent some time over the weekend volunteering at Victory’s Holiday Giveaway (I love being a part of the Outreach Ministry, feels like home to me), along with the teen and tween.  Look at this beautiful tree (one of several in the lobby area of our church). 
And look at me; don’t I look happy to be there??? This is one of my friends from the Outreach Ministry with me.
I was working at the check in desk for toys, the tween was a personal shopper and the teen was helping people carry their food baskets and other items to their cars.  It was a great lesson for them and they enjoyed volunteering.  See the joyful look on their faces???  

Nah, just kidding, their usual “unaffected stare” (thanks Missy) was in place!  But they SAID that they enjoyed it.  It really was awesome to see the looks on the family’s faces, especially those who received the personalized shopping done for their family (there were bikes, hockey tables, all manner of goodness)!  Victory really showed up and showed out for this outreach event!

Sunday we had an awesome service at church; Pastor Singleton finished his series on the Gifts of Jesus; this time he spoke about the Gift of PEACE.  There was but one scripture and I will quote it here:

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”  Luke 2:14

According to Pastor Singleton’s message, peace is tied directly into why Jesus was born (to make peace between God and the world), see Romans 5:1.  He went on to say that while peace is for everyone, it is not to everyone (see John 3:16-19); instead it is only to those on who His favor rests.  Only those at peace with God can know the peace of God!  That is because peace is relational with God (see John 14:27).  The peace of God is a state of mind; peace must overcome tests, trials and temptations in this life. So how does one have peace in this troubled world??? 

Pastor Singleton compared the two views of peace that most people have: 1) the belief that “peace” means quiet all around and that absolutely everything goes their way, and 2) when in the midst of everything falling apart, you keep your peace by keeping your mind “stayed” on Him.  Let’s dig a little deeper…

For those who believe that all must be well in order to have peace, they will never be “peacemakers” like Jesus because humility is required.  Those with the peace of God can humble themselves to go higher in God and to make peace.  The scriptures show how Jesus humbled himself by making himself nothing (man) and became obedient to death on a cross, all to make peace between God and Man (see Philippians 2:5-8).  Sometimes, in order to make peace, you have to be crucified (make peace with those who have wronged you to be like Jesus). 

Let me put a pin right here and be transparent for a moment:  I. STRUGGLE. WITH. THIS.  DAILY!  It’s very difficult, I won’t lie.  I haven’t quite yet gotten to the point where I can reach out to those folks yet, but, I have made peace with the situation.  Even the hurt and anger is diminishing, so I guess I’m on the right track, eh?  Pastor Singleton also posted the Prayer of St. Francis Assisi; I won’t post it here, but here’s a link for you.  I will be trying my best to live this going forward, I do some of it, but I could do better.  Ever a work in progress…

Back to the sermon; the bottom line is this:  peace with God is relational, while the peace of God is a state of mind.  I’ll just sit this right there for a moment.

So onto one of the other things I’ve been working on this month, my Scripture writing plan.  Yeah, that.  So, I was feeling good about being on task and then, just like that, I fell behind.  And I was so very BEHIND in my Scripture writing plan until I caught up this morning on the train!  Anyhoo, here are the verses for this week (and next week) so that you don’t get behind waiting on me...  It really has been a wonderful walk through the scriptures and I hope you’ve enjoyed sharing it.

December 21 – Luke 1:51-56                                December 22- Luke 2:4-7

December 23- Luke 2:8-12                                     December 24 – Luke  2:13-16

December 25- Luke :17-20                                     December 26- Galatians 4:4-7

December 27- Philippians 2:5-8                           December 28 – Philippians 2:9-11

December 29- James 1:16-18                                December 30- Titus 3:3-7

December 31 – Choose your own verse  

It’s the time of the year when most people reflect on the year past and prepare intentions for the coming year (well, at least I do; it’s one of my favorite processes at the end of every year).  As we prepare to say “sayonara” to 2015 and look with hope towards 2016, won’t you make it your aim to have both peace with God and the peace of God? I’m just saying…

So all that being said, anyone living in perfect peace?  How do you live it?  You know the drill – Holla @ Darvi and let’s talk about it!  Be Blessed – I will be back before Christmas!!!


  1. You're not the only one who struggles with being peaceable with all men. I may not have peace with people, but I have peace with the situation.

    Merry Christmas Darvi,holla back!

    1. Man,Joe! Got some news today that seriously threatened this whole peace & goodwill thing! We are such works in progress!

  2. Love this and all you have shared this year...I struggle also in this area. Thanks for the scripture. Enjoy the rest of your holiday.

    1. Lois, I missed your comment! Thanks for reading and a blessed new year to you and your family!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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