Friday, December 4, 2015

Time of death...

November 24, 2015, approximately 7:25 am. The moment that I finally let that thing die.  I mean really and truly let it go.  Oh, it had been wounded, bandaged up and re-bandaged for a long time and I kept attempting to resuscitate it, each time watching it grow weaker and weaker still.  It had even lay abandoned on the side of the road for a time and yet I still kept returning to pick it up and attempt to nurse it back to health.  Finally, He said "Enough.  It's time to call it."  So, I did.

What do I mean?  Watching medical shows like Grey's Anatomy, there are intense operating or emergency room scenes where the patient seems to be doing well and then all of a sudden, they flatline.  The doctors and nurses rush to perform CPR or use the defibrillators to try and revive the person. Sometimes they are successful, sometimes not.  After a predetermined amount of time has passed with no response from the patient, the doctor "calls it."  You know, time of death...

How many of you have ever found yourself in a similar situation, whether it be a relationship, a job, a friendship, watching a loved one suffering from a long illness, bad habits???  You know, when you knew, deep in your heart of hearts that it was time to let it go and you had even kinda talked yourself into it but as soon as you were confronted with that thing, you just weren't ready to face it. The selfish part of you.  Hello, somebody!  

As believers, many times we struggle with letting go of things from our lives that are contrary to our faith walk.  It's not new, its an ongoing power struggle within all of our lives.  And guess what?  In order to stay on the path of our faith walks, we have to renew our minds and "kill" our flesh daily.  Christ said:  "And he said to [them] all, If any [man] will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me."  Luke 9:23.  That means we have to deny our flesh and our will everyday in order to please God. And let me assure you, IT. IS. HARD.  But you know what's harder?  Knowing that you are not being obedient to the Holy Spirit's urgings and having the repercussions of that manifesting in your life.  THAT is decidedly harder.

So I encourage you to put to death and let go of that thing that is hindering your faith walk:  cursing, a lackluster prayer life, ungodly relationships, not attending church regularly, not working with ministry, dysfunctional family life, resentment, bitterness, anger, hatred, unforgiveness, not tithing... pick one (or more...).  For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live. Romans 8:13 (NIV).  And you'll feel better too once you release it.  Believe me, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted!  

For those of you wanting to follow along with the Spiritual writing/reading plan this holiday month, here are the readings for December 1-6th:

12.1.2015        Isaiah 7:14-17

12.2.2015        Isaiah 9:6-7

12.3.2015        Isaiah 11:1-5

12.4.2015        Isaiah 11:6-10

12.5.2015        Isaiah 40:1-5

12.6.2015        Isaiah 52:7-10

Enjoy your weekend- I'm off to enjoy the Holiday Lights in Homewood 2015 with the not so little people!  I will (hopefully) begin posting some of my December Daily album next week – I have been recording my story of the day and I printed this week's photos today, so far so good.  Now to actually create the pages!

Anyone else working to kill their flesh daily and let go of some things or is it just me?  You know what to do – Holla @ Darvi!  Be Blessed!  xoxoxo


  1. Beautiful post and yes it is hard to do God's will but that is the reason we pray and ask forgiveness for our sin(s) daily. I'm thankful I am a sinner save by grace. Each day I pick up my cross and some days it gets heavy but I keep pressing on towards the prize. Have a lovely weekend!

    1. Hey Lois! Thank you so much for your kind words! Works in progress we all are... Have a wonderful weekend too!

  2. I wanted to throw my phone when I read this, but I came to my senses and agreed with you instead. You just gave me a blogging idea that I will expound on with the foundation of this blog. Of course you'll get the credit and a link attached to it as well.

    Thank you, thank you THANK YOU!!!


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