Wednesday, May 4, 2016

A Transformed Life...

How goes it, my blog framily??? I know you all have to be in shock about these consecutive posts this week, but I meant what I said.  God willing, I'll have a post every day this week! And though they may not seem to go together, I promise that there is an underlying theme that runs through each and every post I make and I hope that someone gets it even as I write to not only encourage myself but to let someone know that they are not alone - we are on this walk together!  

So as you know, I'm a member of Club 40.  Within the next 3 weeks, I will be joining the mid-40s club actually (the last year before my "bracket" changes - you know, when you fill out those forms and they put your ages into groups?  Well, mine is changing...).  A lot of my friends have really been bitten by the fitness bug (myself included, but kind of more in a lackadaisical not really committed way) and most speak of healthy living/exercise as not just a fad but a way of life.  A transformed way of living, if you will.  And I'll have to be honest with you - I'm not totally there yet.  I mean, I'd love to shed some of this here extra love handlage (yes, I just made that up) but I'm not committed enough at this point to go to the gym 6/7 days a week or get up at 3 am to go to the gym.  Nor am I about to drink a bunch of green goo or eat stuff I don't really like.  Because I just happen to like food.  In other words, I'm not that chick!  And that is why I haven't been able to shed those last stubborn pounds!  I mean, I've lost some weight, and I'm very pleased with it, but I could stand to lose a bit more, but I'm not ready to make the commitment to transform my eating habits 100% or force my way into more exercise to do it.  Not at this juncture, but stay tuned!!!

It kinda works like that with being on this faith walk too. For all of my believers, you know that living a transformed life is the hallmark of the Christian faith.  Before I get into all of my thoughts on the subject, I want to share my notes from Pastor Singleton's sermon on April 17th, "The Miracle of the Transformed Life."  *Note:  the material that follows is a summation of the notes I took during service*  

The text was from Romans 11:33-36; 12:1-2.  The crux of the sermon was this:  the transformed life begins with a changed mind; an unchanged mind cannot comprehend. Whoa, right???

Pastor Singleton opined that it is not whether a person can be changed, but moreso, how is it done?  He offered three reasons that a person's mind could be changed:  (1) facts, (2) events and circumstances, and (3) sometimes it is the power and presence of God Himself. The first step in spiritual transformation is for YOU to change your mind (repentence) before God can transform your mind.  To transform is the changing of the nature of a thing by natural or supernatural means.  Transformation of one's mind is an inward thing; it is what God does "in" you.  Some scriptural references on transformation in the Bible:
  • 2 Corinithians 11:14
  • Romans 12:2
  • Matthew 17:1-3
  • 2 Corinthians 3:18
Transformation is part of the sanctification process for believers, and there are  3 stages:

1) positional - - you are taken out of darkness and set aside by God;
2) progressive - - you enter into a partnership where you are walking and living for God;
3) perfect - - when we get to heaven.

How we think is guided by what's pressing on our mind; we are either being shaped by the things of the world or by God.  And I'm just gonna leave that right there...

Another great sermon, right?  So, as much as I am not very motivated to transform my fitness life, I am absolutely motivated to transform my spiritual life!  I've been on this faith walk for some years now (I'm a church girl, was brought up in the church so I've never been too far from it; however, I have at times been waaaaay to the left of it all), and guess what? I still don't have it together.  Even when I think I'm doing well, there will be something that comes up and reminds me that I still need some work... What can I say? Oh yeah, you know what I always say, "Work in Progress."  The thing is, God knows that we are human and that we will fail and miss the mark.  A lot.  A whole lot.  A whole lot more than we care to admit. And it's actually ok. Really, it is.  Pray for God to order your steps and keep your eyes on the mark.  At the end of the day though, I say this:  I may not be where I want to or ought to be, but I'm so glad I'm not where I've been!  I made a commitment to rededicate myself to my faith walk in January 2015 and I can tell you that it hasn't been easy!  There have been some tough times and some huge sacrifices but there have also been some blessings, both big and small. I won't talk about all of this here, because that is for another post, but if you've been following me then you know some of the things I've been going through, no secret at all.  And honestly, some of those things have been enough to make me quit this thing once and for all!  But you know what?  Number one, I wouldn't know what to do with myself because I'm just a church girl on the inside (one of my high school friends called me a "goodie two shoes" - I never saw me that way, but I'll take it).  Number two, and most importantly, I choose to believe.  Period, point blank.  I choose.  And I also choose to continue transforming my life so that others may see Him in me... (hopefully some of that is coming across through these posts).

So Framily, what say ye?  How has your walk of spiritual transformation been treating you???  Or even your physical transformation, I need help y'all!   Holla @ Darvi and let's talk about it!  As always, be blessed! xoxoxo


  1. Beautiful words of inspiration.
    I had to chuckle because I tell my daughter every day that I'm going to start on my exercise program hasn't happen yet but it will.

    1. Exactly!!! Now, I do exercise, but not in the 6-day of week way... and I like cookies and chips!!!


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