Thursday, May 19, 2016

Give us THIS day...

Happy Wednesday, my Blog Framily!  Yes, I know that it is really Thursday, but just go with it...  I hope this week has been kind to you all thus far.  I won't EVEN talk about the weather; it's been lovely fall weather here in my birthday month!!!  I'm just saying; at least it has stopped raining buckets 'round these parts (for the moment anyway).  

I am just days away from the kickoff to celebrating my 45th birthday (which is a week from today) and I am blessed.  A year ago, my life was very different- we will just leave it at that for now.  I'm also marveling at how different I felt just 5 short years ago on the eve of my 40th birthday. I'll save that for my birthday post next week...

I don't have a whole lot to say today; but I was watching a youtube video of a young man's urban ministry and something he said stopped me cold.  He was doing his gospel rap thing, telling people to pray and he started reciting the Lord's Prayer, and when he got to "give us this day, our daily bread..." he stopped.  He stopped there to break down the words "give us this day."  And he really touched me so much that I knew I had to share the gist of what he said with you to encourage someone today.  

"Give us THIS day, our daily bread..." - Matthew 6:11.  We are so used to saying those words in the Lord's Prayer and moving on to the rest of it.  But have you ever stopped to think about what those words mean?  Give us THIS day, our daily bread...

When we ask God to give us this day, our daily bread, we are asking Him for provision for today and today only.  Not that we won't need provision for tomorrow, but this is just a reminder to deal with the day in front of us and not to worry about what's to come in the future.  A reminder that God's got this.  Scripture says that "my God shall supply all of your needs according to his riches in glory" - Philippians 4:19.  Scripture also says "therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own" - Matthew 6:34.  

So to myself, the worrywart and those of you who are constantly worried about the days to come- STOP IT!  Enjoy THIS day that you have been given.  Ask God to give you your daily bread and keep it moving.  It's just that simple.  Don't worry about what happened or didn't happen yesterday or a month ago or even a year ago.  Put one foot in front of the other and deal with just one day at a time.  Be thankful for THIS day and know that God has it and you in His hands!

That's it, that's all!  I'm spiralling towards the weekend!

To check out Willie Moore, Jr.'s video, you can do so here:

Whatcha think?  Holla @ Darvi and let me know!  Be Blessed!!! xoxoxo


  1. Darvi I thank God for you- this message confirmed a conversation that I had with one of my prayer partners!

    1. I thank God for you too, Angie! Isn't it amazing how God will confirm things for us some times???

  2. Beautiful message as always and very inspiring.


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