Friday, September 11, 2015

Can you recognize the voice of God?

Happy Friday, blogland!  I hope everyone has had a great week. 

We will pause for a moment to remember 9-11... We should never forget.  I will never forget.  I'll always remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when the realization came that this was no ordinary plane crash into a building, but a series of planned attacks.  At the time, I was working in downtown Chicago in a government building, so we were on high alert and dismissed very soon after arrival (and left scrambling to find a way out of downtown and back to the safety of our own neighborhoods).  Even all these years later, it still seems surreal that something like THAT could happen HERE.  I know that sounded a bit like American Elitism, but that was the reaction that day.  It also happens every time a school is attacked by a gunman (although unfortunately, that is becoming more and more the norm) and the horrific shooting a few weeks ago on live television of the news anchor, cameraman and interviewee.  I pray daily that there will be a quick end to the violence and senseless killings in the world.  It zaps one's humanity just a little bit more each time it happens...

As for me and my world:  Packing is no joke (although I have been simultaneously purging things that are in good working order and can be donated to charity, so I'm happy about that part and plan on making my first drop today).  I really feel like I've gotten nothing done although there has been visible progress.   

You know what also isn't a joke?  Trying to realistically move from a 3000 square foot house into one that is approximately 1040 square feet - that is a herculean task!  Not impossible, but you do have to have an open mind and be creative.  I'm sure that will be a future post once I get moved and situated.

I didn't make it to church last Sunday and I've been feeling the effects all week (although I did finish my class on Tuesday night, it's just not the same as being there on Sunday); so I will make sure to be in the place on Sunday morning.  I don't plan on moving churches after the move; it will be a longer than 5 minute drive now, but still close enough for me to attend and be an active member.  That is what I'm looking forward to- becoming active in church again and being close enough for my kids to be active members too.  Our church has over 70 ministries, so there's plenty to do.  I'm hoping to find something that will be a good fit for me.

I'm still kinda in blah mode, trying to snap out of it.  I do appreciate the calls, texts and emails, I do.  I'm just going to need a little time to get myself together with this move and getting the kids situated and transferred, getting unpacked and in some semblance of order all while simultaneously looking for a job - that is quite a lot on my plate - ya know?  So as I ask continually, keep us in your prayers. 

I did look cute one day (even though I look tired):

Anyway, moving on to the subject of this post.  There were two things that have happened in the past week or so that really touched me and I know they were both truly messages from God. 

First, a friend of mine from college, who is also a member of my sorority, sent me an email earlier in the week.  What made it remarkable is that she isn't someone I talk to often (we live in different cities) and we generally chat via Facebook.  The message was very uplifting and encouraging, but the things that stood out for me were these:  1) sometimes as single mothers, we are so used to depending on ourselves  and being independent that it's hard to submit and give things to God to handle; 2) "that to our naked eye, a giant tidal wave is cresting and about to crash down on us like Hurricane Sandy, but when we submit ourselves to God we begin to feel the presence of the Giant invisible hand that is holding back the wave;" and 3) "there is someone watching you and waiting for you to slip up so they can say I told you so - there is someone else who is waiting for you to praise God in the middle of your circumstances so that they can be reassured that they can praise their way out of theirs!"  This may not seem remarkable to you, but it is to me because there is no way that she could/would know anything that is going on in my world at this moment (besides reading here) so I know that this was a message.  And she took the time to send that to me in the midst of making homegoing services for her dad (which I didn't know until this morning).  So to her I say, thank you, friend.  Scratch that.  Thank you to MY friend, Angela Clark-Terrall and I am praying for your family as you deal with your loss.  We will connect soon; you have been great to me over the years and I have never forgotten your kindness.  I love you dearly.

Secondly, a friend from high school who I am connected with these days via Facebook (she lives in another city and state) sent a group of people a message, saying that she was listing all of the people that God told her to pray for and my name was on her list.  Specifically, she stated "Over the next 7 days I will list people that God has asked me to pray for that He deems worth fighting for... What am I fighting for?  Your patience, courage, obedience, strength and so much more."  When I finally made it onto Facebook to read that, it brought tears to my eyes.  Again, this isn't a person I talk to regularly, so only God could have told her to do it.  To her also I say, thank you friend to MY friend, Evelyn Henderson-Barker.  I have always loved and respected your spirit, even back at Morgan Park.  I so appreciate you and I hope that we will see each other again one day so I can properly thank you for thinking of me. 

Now, those may seem to be two random occurrences to you, but for believers, we recognize them as the voice of God.  And all I can say is "I hear You."  Even though I don't understand everything that is happening right now and I feel like I'm drowning, I hear You and I trust You.  The Word says, in Proverbs 3:5-6: 

5Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths
What do I always say?  I am a Work in Progress, so I struggle sometimes with getting this thing right and I miss the mark.  Often.  But each day, I get a new opportunity to aim for it again.  No, things are not perfect.  They are the furthest from perfect that I have ever experienced in my whole life and I've experienced a lot more than most people, unfortunately.  But, still I press on and I'm gonna be in church this week and every week going forward, thanking Him in advance for my breakthrough when it happens. 
So my question for you is can YOU recognize the voice of God and how has HE spoken to you?  Holla @ Darvi!  Be blessed and have a great weekend!


  1. Amazing timing Darvi! God has a way of putting the right people in our path, who aren't always the people we're used to hearing from all the time.

    1. I know, right??? Once I get settled and life gets back to "normal" (the new normal, I should say), we should meet again.

  2. You wrote (spoke to my heart) today. Thanks for your continued support . Yes, God place the necessary people in our lives for a reason and yes, sometimes for a season. Will continue to pray for you and your family. Joy will come in the morning.......


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