Monday, September 7, 2015

Sometimes the truth is...

Happy Monday and Labor Day to you, blogland!  I hope that everyone has had a happy and fun holiday weekend.  So yeah, I missed posting on Friday.  It happens.  In fact, lots of things happen, most of which are out of your control (a lesson I keep experiencing time and time again).

I wish I could say that I had some thought-provoking post today - some witty comment on world events or some upbeat motivational piece that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.  But the truth is, I don't. 

Today I could care two figs about world events because all I can focus on are the events in my world and they loom larger than life at the moment.  I can't write a motivational piece because today I need someone to motivate me.  Remember that change thing I talked about a few weeks ago and how much I didn't like it?  Well, funny thing about life; things have changed even more than I initially thought they would and I feel like the wind has been knocked out of me.  So today I gots nothing.

Sometimes the truth is that you just feel blah.  That is probably the understatement of the year, but it's the best I have right now.  I'm actually not sure when I'll post again because I have to wrap my head around these latest of life changes. 

I'm not sure who actually reads this stuff, I just write.  To the people out there who do read, thank you.  And might I trouble you to pray for me and my children and that some good comes out of all of this change?  Thank you in advance for that.

And just so this entire post isn't doom and gloom (even though that's how I personally feel at the moment), check out these beautiful photos I took last Thursday from the vantage point of the Field Museum in the south loop. Now, I took them with my crap cell phone because my latest camera was broken a few weeks ago and I haven't been able to replace it, but I still think they came out pretty good:

The Chicago Skyline

Navy Pier and Monroe Harbor
A boat in the distance on Lake Michigan
See?  Even though I feel blah today, these photos make me smile a teensy, tiny bit. 
No question, just have a great week everyone.
~ Darvi


  1. This is my first time reading your blog and it is really good. I know that 'blah' feeling too, so I'll pray as you asked. Please keep writing when you're able because I like reading!

    1. Hey you!!! Hope all is well in your corner of the world and thank you for reading and praying! ((HUGS)) to you!

  2. This is my first time reading your blog and it is really good. I know that 'blah' feeling too, so I'll pray as you asked. Please keep writing when you're able because I like reading!

  3. I've told you before how I like reading what you write. If the truth be told...then tell it. Yes, I have my blah moments also...sometimes you just can't escape them. I know prayer will change things and you and your family will be included on my list. Remember...trouble don't last comes in the morning (or when you take your mind off of the bad situation and focus on the good).

    1. Thanks, Lois. And I love yours as well! I'm praying too and I thank you for reading and praying for us.

  4. Feeling blah is pretty much par for the course, so buckle up buttercup! You might as well write about it and get your therapy that way. I've heard someone say it will get better, but until it does, my prayers are with you and the family.

    1. Duly noted, my dear brother, duly noted... and thanks!


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