Monday, September 14, 2015


Happy Monday!  I hope that everyone is well.  Things are topsy-turvy in my corner of the world. 

Packing is in full swing; the first wave of moving begins tomorrow.  There was a major, major setback last week, but hopefully it's been handled (not resolved, just handled) for the time being.  The kids are handling it like troopers, even though their little worlds are about to be turned upside down, and yet I know we'll manage in the end.  I think I'm going to do a room-by-room organization post for the new place; I've been researching some new storage and organization stuff because some methods I currently use won't work (did I mention that EVERY room is smaller and I'll have three less spaces in the new place?), so it has been a bit challenging to figure out - had to research room sizes and all that good stuff- stay tuned.
I am looking forward to being creative in that area; it is one of my favorite things to do.

The weekend was mellow (it was so cold here!); ran errands Saturday morning in the 50 degree freezing rain; including making my first drop at Goodwill.  That felt great, donating things that I know others can use.  Did some packing when I returned, then attended a charity event at Balmoral Park (south suburbs horse racetrack); it was fun as always.  Sunday morning I went to church and I was unaware that it was a special membership Sunday for all "new" members; we took a group photo and got an "answered prayer" rock.  It was awesome!  Breakfast after with Urban Dude and Pam (who I hope won't be relocating after all...) and then a bit more packing.  Dug out my one Bears t-shirt and made my way to one of my high school friend's house for an opening day gathering (Bears lost...).  It was good to spend some downtime during this crazy time, ya know?

And so now it's today - been up since 6:45 doing what?  You guessed it; packing.  I am further behind than I planned to be, but it's ok I suppose.  We will get it done.  I'm getting to the point that I'm getting antsy and just want it all to be finished.  So I am hoping to be able to work late into the night (have two meetings at church though, so there will be a break). 

So onto the "inspiring" part of today's post:  yesterday's sermon was about grace.  God's grace, to be more exact.  The part that resonated with me though was the reinforcement of the messages I received last week, which is trusting and depending on Him.  Specifically, Pastor Singleton noted 2nd Corinthians 1:8-9 that Paul spoke to the ability of the vessel to withstand great pressure so that we learn not to depend on self.  Additionally, in 2nd Corinthians 4:8-9, it says:

8We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed;
we are perplexed, but not in despair;
9Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;

All of which at the end of the day means that we are stepped on but not crushed by the devil and his trials and tribulations.  I don't know about you, but for me and where I am today, that's good news, because I sometimes feel as if I'm at the breaking point.  Yet, I continue to press through to another day.  When I look back on where I've come from in the past 2 years or so, I can truly and honestly tell you I didn't think I was going to make it on many days.  There but for the grace of God go I...

Hopefully that snippet from yesterday's sermon will inspire someone who might also be going through some tough times. 

As always, thank you for reading my random musings!  Something you wanna share?  You know the drill - Holla @ Darvi!  Be Blessed and see ya Wednesday!!!


  1. Love reading your post all of Paul's writings and the inspiration that God gives to us...thanks so much. It felt like I was in that church service.


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