Friday, July 3, 2015

Just who is Darvi, anyway????

Welcome to my very first blog post!!! 

My full government name is Darvionne, but I've been called Darvi for short since the mid-1980s.  I hail from the far south suburbs of Chicago, by way of the far south side of Chicago. I grew up in the Beverly/Morgan Park area, attended Kellogg Elementary School and Morgan Park High School (class of '88 y'all!) before heading down to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  I guess I am a true Illinoisan!  

Since I've told you when I graduated from high school, I guess I can say that I'm "40-something."  I've been married, am mom to my two joys, the Teen and Tween (better known as the boy and the girl or my two AJs).  I'm in a committed relationship with Urban Dude, and have a great circle of friends and sorors who surround me and have my back.  My official twitter bio (@heydarvi) says:  "Lawyer turned blogger, mom to AJs, Sigma woman, scrapbooker, jewelry designer, entrepreneur, writer, avid reader, shopper, and most importantly - A Believer!"  

That about sums me up in a nutshell, I think.  Except:  I like wine, I multi-task, I have a quirky and sometimes wry sense of humor, I'm a "crafter extraordinaire," I love organization but am prone to clutter, I love my friends and planning parties, I am a firm believer in giving back to the community, I am ever-evolving and learning to walk just a little bit more by faith each day.  I don't always get it right, but I'm not giving up.  At the end of the day, I'm simply a work in progress.

Enough of that!  How did I get here??? That is the question of the day.  The idea, inspiration and journey for this blog was born of a phone conversation on January 5, 2014, as I drove to the craft store in a blizzard (that's another post for another day- suffice it to say I'm from Chicago and weather doesn't scare me).  A year and a half later, here we are!  Well, after a HUGE pep talk from my friend and fellow blogger, Delvin Randle, find his blog here.

I am both excited and afraid all at the same time!  I invite you to join me on this journey through my perfectly imperfect world as I write about things I do love, support, visit, try, and struggle with.  I'm sure that it will continue to evolve over time as well.  But you know what?  I plan to enjoy the journey and I hope you will too!!!  It's a true walk of faith at this point...

So that's a slice of who I am.  Anything else you wanna know about me?  Holla @ Darvi! Have a wonderful and SAFE holiday weekend.  Be blessed!


  1. Yessssssss! *doing the Tiger Woods fist pump*

    1. Thank you dear! Had to work through my technological challenges to get this done... that's a whole 'nother story!

  2. Welcome to Blog world! I love seeing great things happen to good people! Congrats Soror!

  3. Thanks for stopping by in my little part of the blog world. Love reading about you and will visit again!

    1. Thank you, ma'am! I have to check you out today and see what inspiration you have for me!


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