Monday, July 13, 2015

The 3-day military diet my experience (Round 1...)

Happy Monday!  

I am an avid Pinterest pinner.  (There, I said it!) I have almost 14,000 pins and 706 followers.  One of my boards is dedicated to fitness and weight loss because, like many of my 40-something peers, I could stand to lose a few pounds. And I've been struggling to lose them (that is a post for another day).  So when I saw this whole "lose up to 10 pounds in 3 days" thing, I was super skeptical.  And then I looked in the mirror... and let's just say, the way my mirror is set up! I decided, well, it's only 3 days, may as well try it!

I am NOT a fan of diets.  I do horrible with them because I'm always hungry and irritable so I usually quit before they end.  So again, I was skeptical.  Wanna know what sold me on this one?  Wait for it... ice cream.  Yep, you get to have ice cream for dinner every night!

I did the diet on June 24th, 25th and 26th (first round).  I'm currently in the midst of another round of it as we speak.  It's very simple and easy to follow.  I got it from Pinterest, but you can also find it here.  It looks like a small amount of food each day but it is actually quite a bit of food (ok, the lunches are rather skimpy but I lived).  I'm going to break the diet down by day and meal and give you my comments (as I wrote them at the time).  I also weighed myself and took measurements on the morning of day 1 and day 4.  Here we go!

Day 1- June 24, 2015

Breakfast:  1/2 grapefruit, 1 slice toast, 2 tbsp peanut butter, coffee or tea (caffeinated)

My breakfast:  

I drank a glass of water first and another during.  Black coffee is GROSS; even vanilla flavored!  Moreover, peanut butter is thick... I wanted to throw the whole plate in the garbage. But all of that nasty made me appreciate the grapefruit more, and even without sugar, it was the best grapefruit I have ever had!  This will definitely be a challenge!

Lunch:  1/2 c tuna [I subbed 1/2 c almonds], 1 slice toast, coffee or tea (caffeinated)

My lunch:  

I learned the error of my ways from the morning and brewed a smaller cup of coffee in the Keurig instead of the large I normally have!  I hate tuna, so I had almonds instead (an allowed substitution).  A half cup is a lot of nuts!  I am officially ready to kill someone...

Dinner:  3oz cooked meat [1 chicken tender], 1 c green beans [I used canned Libby naturals with no salt or sugar added], 1/2 banana, 1 small apple, 1 c vanilla ice cream [I used great value natural vanilla]

My dinner:  

I seasoned the chicken tender with lemon pepper and added a little salt to the beans also.  I used a little olive oil in the pan because it kept sticking.  I was hungry and ready for dinner! Green beans have NEVER been this appealing!  1c (8oz) is actually a lot of beans.  I was full though and had to eat the apple later.

Day 1:  I had a slight headache, probably from the caffeine, but was fine eventually.  I wasn't hungry and drank a total of 96 oz of water.  

Day 2 - June 25, 2015

Breakfast:  1 egg, 1 slice toast, 1/2 banana

My breakfast:  

No mishaps!  The first time I've ever scrambled an egg without butter... thank goodness for nonstick pans!

Lunch:  1 c cottage cheese [I subbed 2oz cheddar cheese], 1 hard boiled egg, 5 saltine crackers

My lunch: 

Even though I HATE boiled eggs I ate it.  By the way, the cheese is Land O Lakes 3/4 oz portions, so it's slightly less than 2 oz.  The egg didn't kill me...

Snack:  I had a stressful afternoon so I broke down and had 2 fruity mentos (20 calories)... my stomach revolted and I was sick!  No more candy until this is over...

Dinner:  2 turkey or beef hot dogs, 1 c broccoli, 1/2 c carrots, 1/2 banana, 1/2 c vanilla ice cream

My dinner:  

This ENTIRE dinner sucked monkey balls!  I don't like carrots unless they are cooked with a pot roast;  I only like broccoli with cheese sauce or in another dish and I ain't too keen on hot dogs (I used Jennie O turkey hot dogs, by the way).  Salt, pepper and a dab of mustard couldn't save this trio!  I choked it down quickly and ate the banana and ice cream - the best parts of this dinner.

Day 2:  Still not hungry, but battled salt and sugar cravings all day.  The food on the menu is enough, we are just so used to overeating.  Making a note of the portion sizes for the future; I drank 96 oz of water today also.

Day 3 - June 26, 2015

The last day!!!

Breakfast:  5 saltine crackers, 1 slice cheddar, 1 small apple

My breakfast:  

Not bad at all, it just went too quickly.

Lunch:  1 hard boiled egg, 1 slice toast

My lunch:  

Houston, we have a problem!  I didn't make it home early and EVERYWHERE were sweet treats to tempt me.  Jesus take the wheel!

Dinner:  1 c tuna or chicken, 1/2 banana, 1 c vanilla ice cream

My dinner:  

Dinner was fine, I was just hungry...  I drank 96 oz of water on day 3 as well.

Day 4 - June 27, 2015 The Verdict

I weighed and measured myself the morning of the fourth day.  The final results?  I lost a total of 3.5 pounds and an inch to an inch-and-a-half in some places.  You didn't really think I was going to tell you how much I weighed, did you??? That's between me, my scale, and God Almighty - Ha!  

At the end of the day, I learned that our dinner plates are much too large, we are conditioned to eating way more food than we need, we don't drink enough water and we don't eat nearly enough vegetables.  The second day is the hardest, and even harder still when your house is snack central!  Overall though, I'd say that the military diet is a success; I am planning to repeat it for the month of July.

**UPDATE:  In round 2 (July 6-8), I lost 4 pounds, so not counting the weight I gained back over the holiday celebrations, I've lost a total of 6.5 pounds!  Awesome sauce!!!

*** please note that when/if you do the military diet, you are to do 3 days on, then 4 days off each cycle. ***

Anyone else ever tried the 3-day military diet?  What did you think/what were your results? Holla @ Darvi and let me know!  Be Blessed!


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