Friday, August 28, 2015

Goodbye, Summer TV...

You made it - it's FRIDAY!!!!  High five yourself for getting to the end of another week!

As usual around these parts, the weekend is going to be a busy one:  a fundraiser tonight, a picnic tomorrow (one of the last of the year), and I'm thinking of supporting a childhood friend who coaches a pee wee football league in his first game of the year on Sunday (at least for a little while, not sure how long I'll be able to do bleachers...).  So it's a little busy.  Next week is the (unofficial) last week of summer and I still have stuff I wanted to get in!  Like getting down to the Field to see the open air MJ exhibit.  And then there's finding someone's house to crash for Labor Day (LBVS)!  Kinda makes you wonder where the summer went and what did you actually do all summer (and in some cases, what you didn't get done...).

One of things I was supposed to do this summer was catch up on TV.  Yeah, about that... So I recorded all of "summer" shows and I haven't actual watched much of anything.  And we're less than a month out from regular TV returning - Yikes!  I don't remember summer TV when I was kid being this exciting - I never watched it!  I was too busying trying to get outside and play!

So in our farewell to summer, we're gonna chat a little about summer TV:

Now I'm sure most of you never guess in a million years what I did spend time watching this summer.  Time's up:  Charlie's Angels and The Love Boat. 

Yep, you read right.  Those are my guilty TV pleasures - two of my favorite shoes from when I was a kid (my sisters and I used to act out our favorite TV shows, including Charlie's Angels:  I was Jill/Chris, Kim was Kelly, and Mia was Sabrina; when my brother came along he was Bosley by default).  I know the plot lines weren't great, some seasons have been downright painful to watch with 2015 eyes, but sometimes you just need mindless TV that concludes in an hour, you know?  The Love Boat - I love singing the theme song and just reliving my youth (it's definitely how we spent Saturday night - there was only one TV...).

Now I did watch my regular summer History and Discovery Channel reality TV staples also, just not as much as usual:


I also added three new ones to the mix: 
And we actually watched ALL of this show (except the last 4 episodes, still trying to finish this before regular TV starts):

 I got in some of these two also, both on On Demand:

I plan to upgrade the Goldbergs to part of my regular TV watching this fall.  I'm almost caught up on Tyrant, but I didn't get to Power, Mistresses or Devious Maids.  So, I have a few more weeks to play catch up before my attention is drawn to premiers.

So how about you - do you watch much TV in the summer or do you take a break and wait until fall?  Holla @ Darvi!

*Sidenote:  I know my posts have been "deep" this week - but know this, I strive to always be my true, authentic self here and believe it or not, you are walking with me on my journey:  highs, lows, stumbles, triumphs, defeats.  I'm not always sure where it's gonna end up, but I'm documenting the ride and sharing any lessons I learn along the way in the hopes that they may help someone else should they find themselves in similar circumstances.

Enjoy your weekend and be blessed!!!


  1. Thanks again for a very good read. I like your post. You offer things I can relate to.

    1. Aww, thanks, Lois! Have a wonderful weekend!


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