Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The Last Vestiges of Summer...

Good day, blog land!!!  So as much as I hate to admit it, we are in the last vestiges of summer.  *sigh*

Why do I say that?  Well, the external as well as the internal signs are there.  Internally, there is a quickening as you subconsciously "pick up the pace" when fall comes.  Slowly you shift from the "lazy" days of the summer into a more-structured schedule.  Your clothing choices shift as well, as you slide from the loose, flowy gear of summer back to the more structured, tailored clothes of fall.  

Externally, the stores have changed their displays to include back to school specials, fall harvest themed decorations and in some cases, Christmas decor.  There are more school buses out as the drivers start practicing their routes for when school begins.  If you live in the burbs, school actually starts this week, so there is a flurry of shopping going on:  school supplies, unforms and shoes.  Bed times are earlier as children shift from summer back into fall.  Soon nature will change too, as the leaves start turning shades of red and brown.  

Now, for me, I LOVE fall! And spring.  Those are my two favorite times of the year, as the temperatures are milder and it is just beautiful outside!  Because I have an affinity for school/office supplies, I look forward to the sales to stock up on pens and paper for my various journals and such and just the beginning of a new school year for the children.  But, I do always try to capture those last vestiges of summer as much as I can, because, before you know it, they will be gone...

That being said, the other day I had the opportunity to spend some time at one of the most beautiful parks I have encountered away from the City; Centennial Park in Munster, Indiana. See more information about the park here.  I have been there on several occasions; several times to use the driving range and last summer I visited the formal gardens. This time I walked through the park in general, just taking in the view.  I even saw a wedding taking place outside and they took photos in the formal gardens.  As soon as you make the turn into the park, you begin to feel as if you are a million miles away from the world and you are mesmerized by the peace, quiet and tranquility of the park.  Of course I have some photos to share, because I am a self-proclaimed "nature freak;" I love taking photos of landscapes, butterflies, flowers and interesting plants and trees.  Go figure.  So in my effort to freeze frame the last vestiges of summer, here's what I saw:

The view from the walking path - beautiful!

A butterfly that stayed still long enough for me to capture the image!

A sculpture situated in the park.

The plaque for said sculpture.

The view of the fishing pond from the bridge.

Another view of the other side of the pond.

Some cool-shaped cactus plants growing along the pond.

The beautiful and picturesque clubhouse!

Do you agree with me?  Isn't it just beautiful??? I stayed out there for about an hour, just taking it all in and people watching.  The next time I go, I will venture across the street to the other part of the park which houses the Veterans' Memorial.  

So that's it, my ode to summer 2015.  I am looking forward to the last few picnics and bbqs as we try to fit it all in before football and sweater weather.  I will have those lazy conversations with my friends before our schedules really pick up and we won't have time. Yes, I will capture the last vestiges of summer so that I can reflect on them in the middle of the winter, lol!!!

So how do you capture the last little bit of summer?  Holla @ Darvi and let me know!  Be Blessed!


  1. The last bit of summer for me is the evening bike ride along Lake Shore Drive. I never do it during the peak of summer because I don't want to pass out from heat exhaustion. I love the oranges and the browns of the trees, and sleeping with the window open.
    These are just a few of my favorite things...

    1. Yes!!!! I do miss that about living in the City! I'm glad we have so much open, public, outdoor space in this area. And when the seasons change, it is beautiful!!!

  2. The last bit of summer for me is the evening bike ride along Lake Shore Drive. I never do it during the peak of summer because I don't want to pass out from heat exhaustion. I love the oranges and the browns of the trees, and sleeping with the window open.
    These are just a few of my favorite things...

  3. That last bit of summer is when all children (college - elementary) are back to school and you can enjoy the quietness of the neighborhood. A chance to enjoy the small park to sit and read without the shouting and extreme noise.

    1. You make an excellent point, Lois! I can't dare to go near the park down the street during the summer. It's much too much!


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